… we are not missing … on the contrary …

It ‘a long time since we do not post any news, but we are not missing … we have been engaged in the research & development of new products that are enriching our catalog and will soon be available online.

During this long period, after the holidays, we come back with more and new ideas (thanks to holiday!) and get involved in new applications of LED light to many different applications.

Now in this short period we are going to share with everyone what we have developed and what we are developing … because the sharing of ideas, comments to our developments, suggestions can only lead us to better products, to better solutions … the technology we use every day, the life style we are used to come from sharing and improving due to negative comments …

So anyone who wanted to comment on an article, a product is well accepted … [goooled_lbl] believes in social networks as a tool to improve the product, the service … the company …